Petfood and artificial intelligence

How can artificial intelligence help consumers in Petfood?

When you read information about animal nutrition, you think that the exposed content is reliable. However, you have to ask yourself some basic questions:

  • Who wrote this article?
  • What are the author’s qualifications and skills in animal nutrition?
  • Are articles only shared in private Facebook groups?
  • Is it possible to provide clarification or to criticize the author’s comments?
  • Is the author of the article known to have disseminated many conspiratorial remarks?

More than ever, it is important to verify your information, especially when it concerns the health of your animal. However, many people will believe what is exposed on these contents, without asking questions, without seeking to verify this information, which poses a real problem.

The difficulty for the Petfood consumer is that there is a lot of contradictory information, and that even some books written by animal nutrition professionals, doctors, contain statements that must be verified. For example, you don’t have to believe what a veterinarian is going to write when 99% of his colleagues think he is wrong.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible, insofar as it works on a complete animal nutrition database, to verify this information in Petfood, to evaluate and compare millions of consumer opinions around the world. Thus, it is not because a person announces that his animal is sick when he is eating kibbles from the XXXX range that it is necessary to generalize the statement and share alert messages indicating that these kibbles have become toxic.

It is therefore important for us, in the Petfood Advisor ® social network, to continue to feed this database, which will not be limited to simple reading of labels, nor to estimates of carbohydrate levels.

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