The Petfood Advisor Method

The method

Can you reasonably feed your dog or cat from notes or color pellets found on kibble and wet food classification tables shared on social networks? Should we believe nutrition advice offered by people who have no expertise in animal nutrition?

A social network in animal nutrition

We offer many sites, Youtube channels, Facebook pages and groups, to allow you to ask questions, but above all to compare the different opinions and testimonials on the brands that interest you. This is the opposite of a site, or a Facebook group, which imposes a point of view on you without giving you the opportunity to verify your sources of information.

As you have seen, it is increasingly difficult to find reliable information when you are a consumer and are looking for practical advice on how to better feed your animal. And we too often forget that it is not on Facebook that we can find reliable information on animal nutrition.

To avoid having to disperse over many sites, we suggest that you gather information in free access, which you can share but also comment on, on the main themes addressed in animal nutrition:

  • Household ration
  • BARF
  • Treats
  • Dry Food
  • Wet food
  • Dehydrated food
  • Prey Model
  • WholePrey

What is the Petfood Advisor ® concept?

Many consumers are manipulated with the presentation of fake news on social networks.

With this massive abundance of conflicting information on the subject of Petfood, as a consumer you have two options:

  1. Believe everything you read on a web page, Facebook group, book, video
  2. Find a solution that allows you to compare different opinions, and above all to make your own summary from articles, opinions, testimonials

We have chosen to present this second solution to you.

With the Pacta ® Petfood project, initiated in 2015, and the presentation of the Petfood Score in 2019, we have set up an international Petfood observatory to seek out the best solutions available to the consumer.

Petfood information at the service of the consumer

To diversify our sources of information, we have spread our data collection over several sites, Youtube channels, Facebook groups and social networks, the content of which will be grouped together on the Petfood Advisor ® site.

This research work will be broken down into the partner content of our brands Pacta ® Petfood, Sos Petfood ®, Petfood Advisor ®, Petfood Alert ®.

Remember that we do not give any nutrition advice, and that we do not recommend any brand of wet food or dry food. It is up to you, as a consumer, to make your decisions with informed advice.